LQCloud is a software framework that makes connected device development rapid, robust and secure. Starting in the device the LQCloud software manages connectivity and marshalling both outgoing and incoming messages.
The integrations continue in the cloud to simply connect your device and enterprise with web APIs and messaging. The environment is managed with the LQCloud.Manage application.
From LQCloud.Manage you can manage devices, view device status, command your device, and view/export historical device data.
LQCloud devices operate in either Sensor or Controller mode.
Sensor devices operate as low-power independent nodes, sending data at application prescribed intervals. Sensor nodes can optionally receive commands at device initiated data windows.
Controller devices are fully interactive with LQCloud services and are connected all of the time. Data and commands flow freely in both directions.
LooUQ can help you select the best mode for your project based on its characteristics, just send your questions to anwers@loouq.com.
LQCloud is currently in Beta while we finish some integrating some features. LQCloud is free for up to 10 devices; students and academic projects are allowed 50 free devices. LQCloud will be available on a tiered-price monthly subscription in early Q3-2023. Support for LQCloud is available 24x7 via the LooUQ Answers center at answers.loouq.com. Premium support is optional on a subscription basis.